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What is Portuguese Civil Code mentioned in Income Tax Return?

What is Portuguese Civil Code?

From A/Y 2013-14 there is a mandatory Column in income tax return which asks – Are you governed by the Portuguese Civil Code? Now the question what is Portuguese civil code meaning

What is Portuguese Civil Code?
The Portuguese Civil Code in India is applicable only to the state of Goa and the Union territories of Dadra & Nagar Haveli and Daman & Dui. If you are not governed by the laws of these places, you should select “No” for this question. However, in case you are governed by the laws of any of these places, you should select “Yes”.

As per the Portuguese Civil Code, whatever income is earned by the husband and the wife from all sources (except Salary Income from employment) shall be apportioned equally between both the spouses. The income so apportioned shall be added to the total income of each spouse separately and each spouse should disclose only his/her share of income in the Income Tax Return.

As per Section 5A of the Income Tax Act, 1[ Apportionment of income between spouses governed by Portuguese Civil Code
(1) Where the husband and wife are governed by the system of community of property (known under the Portuguese Civil Code of 1860 as" COMMUNIAO DOS BENS") in force in the State of Goa and in the Union territories of Dadra and Nagar Haveli and Daman and Diu, the income of the husband and of the wife under any head of income shall not be assessed as that of such community of property (whether treated as an association of persons or a body of individuals), but such income of the husband and of the wife under each head of income (other than under the head" Salaries") shall be apportioned equally between the husband and the wife and the income so apportioned shall be included separately in the total income of the husband and of the wife respectively, and the remaining provisions of this Act shall apply accordingly.
(2) Where the husband or, as the case may be, the wife governed by the aforesaid system of community of property has any income under the head

All incomes of individuals governed by the Portuguese Civil Code are taxed in this manner except Income from salary earned form the employer. Salary Income is not apportioned to both the spouses and is only the income of the person who has earned it.

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