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Home » , » 90s or non-90s – But they made it big - By Commerceshala

90s or non-90s – But they made it big - By Commerceshala

Each one of us has surely once or twice stumbled across a story that tells about the people who have established themselves despite not having a formal degree with amazingly good marks, correction great marks, because nowadays just being good is not good enough. We just read them, forget them and go back to our normal lives thinking they just got lucky. Yes, luck is important in shaping our lives in some way but is it just luck? Well to be lucky, you first have to work hard and give all you got to even have a chance for the luck factor to work in.

It’s a fact that a college degree does not guarantee success. In fact no amount of degrees can guarantee success until and unless, you actually are determined enough to make it big. There are a number of entrepreneurs who have tasted success despite not having fancy degrees to flaunt. Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs are our very famous college dropout billionaires. Neither Henry Ford, billionaire founder of Ford Motor Company, nor Jay Van Andel, billionaire co-founder of Amway, attended college. Ray Kroc, founder of McDonald’s and Richard Branson, billionaire founder of Virgin Empire, are both high-school dropouts. Subhash Chandra, an Indian Media mogul who is chairman of Essel Group, an Indian conglomerate, is a billionaire who dropped out after completing high school. But it is not just entrepreneurs who have achieved immense success.

In many other fields, people have found success without the need of degrees. Coco Chanel, fashion magnate and founder of the Coco Chanel brand, never saw the four walls of school. Bryan Adams, whose music is pure divine, is a high school dropout. Andre Agassi, a highly talented tennis player, quit school in the ninth grade and turned tennis pro at the age of 16. Wolfgang Puck, chef, owner of numerous restaurants and bistros, quit school at the age of 14. We all know who Salman Khan is, but do you know that he is a college dropout. I can keep going on with this list, but by now I hope you have got the gist of it.

There is certainly no dearth of people who have proved the fact that a shining education degree is not important for a sky rocketing career. 90s or non-90s, they have truly made it big and changed their lives completely. So next time when you complaint that you cannot be successful because you did not get your degree from the best college or did not score well in your boards, remember that it is not because of your degrees, but because of your lazy, careless and self-depreciating attitude. If you truly want something, with pure dedication and perseverance, sky is your limit.

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