most common method of creating a budget is to simply print out the financial
statements, adjust historical expenses for inflationary increases, add some
projected revenue adjustments and the instant budget is ready. The management
itself will find in serious financial straits action on the instant budget
avoid the problems, the accountant must determine the proper format for budget
which interlocks every unit of the budget, ensuring the budgeting process is
efficient, factors bottleneck operations into budget and use it as a key to
improve the company control system.
• Revenue budget
• Production and Inventory Budget
• Purchasing Budget
• Direct Labour Budget
• Overhead Budget
• Cost of Goods Sold Budget
• Marketing Budget
• General and Administrative Budget
• Staffing Budget
• Facilities Budget
• Research Department
• Capital Budget
• Income and Cash Flow Statement
• Financing Budget
budget begins in two places, Revenue Budget and Research and Development
The revenue
budget contains the revenue figure that the company believes it can
achieve for each upcoming reporting period. These estimates come partially from
sales staff for existing product, within their territories. The estimates for
the new product which have not yet been released and existing product in new
markets will come from a combinations of the sales and marketing staff. The greatest
fallacy in any budget is to impose a revenue budget from the top management
without any input from the sales staff.
The production
budget is largely driven by the sales estimates within the revenue budget
and also by inventory level assumption in the inventory budget. Few examples,
inventory decisions which affect the production are:
New goal may be to reduce the level of finished goods inventory from 10 to 15
turns per year.
If there is strong focus on increasing customer’s service then it is necessary
to keep finished foods in stock, which requires more production.
the input from the inventory budget the production budget is used to the unit
quantity of required products that must be manufactured in order to meet
revenue targets for each budget period. Other factors that drive the budgeted
costs are production batches, setup cost. The expense item included in the
production budget should be driven by a set of subsidiary budgets, which are
the purchasing, direct labours and overhead budgets.
far we have reviewed the series of budget that descend in turn from the revenue
budget and then through the production budget. However there are separate
set of budget that are unrelated to production, they are:
Sales Department Budget: expenses that are incurred by the sales person to meet
the revenue budget.
Marketing budget: (closely tied to the revenue budget) Contains all of the
funding required to roll out the new product.
General and Administrative Budget: Cost of all corporate staff, accounting
staff and HR personal.
Facilities Budget: Based on the level of utility that is estimated in many of
the budgets. It is closely related to the capital budget since expenditure for
additional facilities will require more expenses in the maintenance budget.
Capital Budget: (Includes input from all areas of the company) The capital
budget is of great importance to the calculation of corporate financing
requirements since it can involve the expenditure of sums far beyond those that
are normally encountered through daily cash flows.
end results of all budget just described is a set of financial statements that
reflects the impact on the company of the incoming budget.
reports are directly linked to all budgets and any changes to the budget will
immediately appear in the financial statement. Apart from above operational and
financial ratios should be linked for review by management.
forecast is of exceptional importance for it tells the manager the
proposed budget model will be feasible. The assumptions goes into the cash
forecast should be based on strict historical fact rather that the wishes of
the managers. This structure is practically important in the case of cash
receipt and accounts receivable, to spot the changes in credit policy.
problem with the traditional budget is that many of the expenses listed in it
use directly tied to the revenue level, but actually it’s not so. The issue
arises mainly due to semi variable component like sales person, commissions,
production supplies and maintenance cost and fixed costs such as salaries,
office supplies etc., which there is a huge difference between budgeted and
actual revenue levels. A good way to resolve this problem is flexible budget as
flex budget.
budget itemizes the different expenses levels depending upon changes in amount
of actual expenses. This allows the infinite swings of changes in the budgeted
expenses that are directly tied up to the revenue volume and ignores changes to
other costs that do not change in accordance to small revenue variations. By
accounting step up cost more sophisticated format will also incorporate changes
to many additional expenses when larger revenue changes occur. A company will
have a tool for comparing actual with budgeted performance at many levels of
are several factors which delay’s the budgeting process. One of the predominant
among those is input to the budgeting model from all parts of the company,
another reason is that the budgeting process is highly iterative, sometimes
requires dozens of recalculation and changes in assumptions before the desired
results are achieved. The budgeting process must be put in sequential order so
that the process can be start again and again until the desired results
achieved. To streamline the budgeting process the following practices can be
Reduce the number of accounts: reducing the amount of time needed to enter and
update data in the budget model.
Reduce the number of reporting periods: consolidate the 12 months shown in the
typical budget into quarterly information. Then a simple formula can be used to
divide the quarterly components into its monthly components
Use percentage for variable cost updates: so that the expenses will be
automatically updated based on the changes in the revenue.
Report on variable in one place: key variables like inflation in wages, tax
rates for income, worker’s compensation etc., to reported at one place. So that
any changes made in the budget, its impact in key variable can be easily
available for reference.
Use a budget procedure and time table: there should be a clear time table of
events that is carefully adhered to, so that plenty of time is left at the end
of the budgeting process for the calculation of multiple iterations of the
Budget Vs Actual:
are several methods to enhance the corporate control system by integrating the
budget into it. One of the best ways to control the costs is within each
department to the purchasing system. By linking, when each purchase order issued
it will be tagged against budgeted expenses, once budgeted level is reached
flag will be raised and system refuse for further expenses.
the system won’t flag automatically until the expenses excess its annual
budget, budgeted levels must be compared with the actual at regular intervals
not too frequent but at correct intervals like once in a quarter.
Evaluating Employees Performance:
budgeting control system is evaluating the performance of the employees by
comparing actual against the budget. For example for sales staff who can
assigned sales quotes that match the budgeted sales levels for their
territories and similarly manager of a cost center may receive a favorable
review when their total monthly cost stays lower than the average budgeted
level. In this manner larger number of employee’s performance can be tied up
with the budget for evaluating their appraisal.
Feedback loop of Employees:
another budgeting control system is to use it as a feedback loop to employees.
This can be done by using series of reports at the end of each reporting period
by comparing the actual against the responsibilities assigned to them. The
report must be more specific to each functional heads so that specific person
can view only the report which was related to the responsibility assigned to
a traditional budget, the entire budget model is driven by the revenue forecast
where there is a lack of clear linkage directly to variable cost and it does
not shows the impact of sale projections on the company’s capacity constraint.
throughput concept by identifying the bottleneck capacity which impacts the
budgeted output the company can decide either to increase the capacity to
achieve the budgeted revenue or utilize the available bottleneck capacity to
the optimum level. This can be decided by linking the contribution to the
throughput capacity, so that maximum contribution can be realized.
link to be created between various operating expenses and throughput impact in
the constrained resources by managerial decision cost- cut in any of the
operating expenses support throughput generation requires an extremely detailed
knowledge of hoe the entire system works together to create throughput.
In many cases where no link
between an expense and throughput can be found, management is in cutting
expenses. Thus these are considerable difference in how various budget lines to
be treated based on their impact in throughput. Any expenses supporting throughput
should be cut after detailed review by process analyst while other expenses can
cut with much less review
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