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How to convert an idea into a success: 5 steps

We all humans are full of creativity. If you will give me a day I can tell you a thousand ideas and if worked well all of them can be successful. In my group I have seen so many people who have an idea ...they start working on it and fail down....so badly. Don’t let the same thing happen with your idea....read these 10 steps to know whether you should work on your idea and will it have a survival....if it will survive...it will get success for sure.
1) Share and discuss it with as many people as you can: Don't hide it
Recently in a meet up of aspiring entrepreneurs I met a guy who had recently left his job to start work on an idea. We all were strugglers there filled with some idea in mind . We all shared and discussed ours. When we asked about his idea he keeps silent and said it is a secret. We all laughed because any successful idea was not a secret. Facebook was not a secret or new idea neither flip kart. No one can steal and grow your idea and if they did it means they were better in creativity and execution. Everyday same idea came into mind of lacs of people. Trust me best way to nurture your idea is to discuss it with as many people as you can...they will tell you the hurdles, note down and search solutions for them.
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