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Mock Test for CMA online Foundation Examination (Dec 2013)

This Mock Test is for the practice purpose only to enable the students to
familiarize with the On-Line Examination System.
However, the standard of the questions used in the Mock Test may not be the same to be answered in the actual examination and performance in the Mock Test will not have any bearing on the performance in the actual examination.
About question paper
The Question Paper is divided in 2 sections which are as follows. 
SectionName of TestNo. of QuestionsTime
IPaper 150Composite time of 120 Minutes for both the test.
IIPaper 250
  1. Only one question will be displayed on the computer screen at a time.
  2. Each question will have 5 alternatives, with the fifth option as " I am not attempting this question ".
  3. Each question will be of 1 marks which will be displayed at the right hand top of each question.
  4. The questions can be answered in any order you like to.
  5. The exam screen will continuously display the remaining time at the right hand top of the question paper.
  6. The candidate may ask the Test Administrator their doubts or questions before the commencement of test. No queries shall be entertained after the commencement of the examination.
  7. Rough sheet (if required) shall be provided to the candidates for rough work during the test. The rough sheet needs to be returned to the test administrator before leaving the test venue.
  8. There is no negative marking.

 About answering the question
  1. In order to answer a question, you have to "click" the option you think is appropriate/ correct. The alternative which has been clicked on will be highlighted and shall be treated as the answer given by you for the question.
  2. If you do not wish to attempt the question then you should not click on any option for that question and may click 'Next'.
  3. You can 'Bookmark' questions to review before submitting.
  4. You can navigate between questions either by clicking on 'Previous'/ 'Next' or by directly clicking on the question numbers which are displayed as attempted/ unattempted / bookmarked in the Section wise Summary panel.

  About the preview and submission
  1. The answers are saved whenever the candidate navigates e.g., by clicking on Next/Previous button.
  2. The candidates can make changes in their choice of alternative only before clicking the "Submit" button.
  3. Candidate can switch to any of the question by clicking on summary panel shown at the left hand side of the screen. For e.g.: Attempted question, Not attempted question, Attempted and bookmarked. Not attempted and bookmarked.
  4. Done button will be displayed on the screen after 1 hour.
  5. If the candidate wishes to submit the test he/she has to click on the "Done" button.
  6. There will be three warning screens displayed namely Warning 1, Warning 2 & Final Warning.
  7. In case if the candidate wants to return to the question paper, he/she can click on "Go to Test".
  8. After the expiry of 120 minutes the candidates will not be able to attempt any question or check their answers. The answers of the candidate would be saved automatically by the computer system even if he has not clicked the "Finish" button.

Candidates can be debarred / disqualified by the Centre-In-Charge for any of the following reasons
  1. Creating a disturbance.
  2. Impersonation - Attempting to take the examination for someone else.
  3. Giving or receiving assistance of any kind during the examination & communication in any form between candidates or with outsiders.
  4. Attempting to tamper with the operation of the computer or meddling with system.
  5. Leaving the test centre without the permission from the invigilator.
  6. Using prohibited aids, items not allowed, such as:
    1. Cell phones, Pieces of Paper, Electronic diaries, Calculators (To be confirmed), Watch alarms, Listening devices and recording or photographic devices.
  7. Attempting to remove examination questions and /or examination responses (in any format) from the examination centre.
  8. Failing to follow invigilators directions.
  9. Manhandling of invigilators or test centre staff.

Candidate who are debarred/disallowed are liable for debarment from appearing at the examinations for a period as decided by the competent authority. 

The Centre-In-Charge is authorized to dismiss the candidate/s from the examination centre for any misconduct by the candidates.

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This Article written by CMA Samir Biswal. He can reached at cmasamirbiswal@gmail.com


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