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Exams I’m POSSIBLE.. !

Every new challenge brings in new opportunity and pursuing opportunity leads to richer experience in life.. I have always enjoyed studies and writing exams has been a crazy hobby for me.
Can you imagine writing two exams at the same time on same day at two different centers with distance of 9.4km between them?

Agree, it’s possible to scribble something on the answer script on both papers but is it possible to do best in both of them?

Here is a real story of thinking and making it possible. .
On 28th Dec’12, two of my exams clashed – CS( Company Secretary) Executive (Tax) and BCOM (English), scheduled at the same time 2.00 to 5.00 PM – The distance between the exam centers was 9.4km. Skipping any, would have meant writing all the papers again. I had already skipped CS once because of work related travel to Singapore. I had won scholarship to study CS and wanted to  uphold the faith reposed in me . While CS exam was important from ethical point of view, the BCOM paper was critical for all subsequent qualifications..
Since I was new to Pune and stayed at outskirts, the city roads were new and confusing to me. I didn’t know the traffic conditions  or route. I used maps and found out how it  looks on  google.

I checked how much is the driving time  between the two centers , how many signals to cross, the shortest route and drew it on my tax book.
I first went to appear for the Tax paper at SNDT College, Pune ( marked as Exam I on the map ) Before the exam, I told the examiner  “Mam! I really have an emergency; I may have to leave the exam hall in half way. . Please consider. . “She said, okay!!  The very moment the paper was in my hand; I just forgot the world and started the paper with jet speed as if completing it in half time was the only purpose of life. I did attempt 98 Marks in about 1.25 hr. I left the paper on my seat and ran, picked my bike, rushing to the next center at Azam Campus. The scene was similar to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ElFsXCiKhyg I reached the second exam center in 13 mins.

If everything seems under control, you’re just not going fast enough!!

After reaching the next center I didn’t even collect the change for the parking was literally running to the exam hall shouting as emergency, requested the examiner to let me in. He said, You are 1.45hr late, we can’t allow you to write the exam!

I begged saying it’s the matter of my life.. he insisted that  I  speak  to the director incharge, I rushed into the directors room and apologized for being late and explained that I am coming from very far I pleaded for giving me one opportunity to write exam. I will return the paper on time as everyone else.

He said “You only have 1hr left Son”, I said, that’s perfect, Thanks!!  Not letting the tension around affect me, I attempted 80-Marks in that paper with a great sense of accomplishment.  That was the time; I experienced the real pursuit of happiness!! It was a once in life time experience which am sure I can proudly tell my kids if they ever get worried about writing exams.

The biggest adventure you can ever take is to live the life of your choice by choice!!

After two months, results were declared.   I had cleared both the exams, 68-Marks in Tax (Exemption + highest among all my paper) and 63 Marks in English. Hence it’s a miracle to score 131marks in 3 hours.
If I only had three words of advice, they would be, YES U CAN!  If get three more words, I’d add, COME WHAT MAY!!

Only those who attempt the extreme…will achieve the impossible!! Do not waste your precious youth years. You have infinite energy. Learn, love, lift, laugh as much as you can then, because life will eventually make you more cynical and bitter and you will lack that blissful ignorance when you grow older.
What would life be if we had no courage to attempt things we think are impossible? This blog is to all those who feel exam to be difficult.  Those who do underestimate their capability, I would be happy if this inspired even a fraction of you.  You can write to me at somani.abhinay@gmail.com
Crazy guys follow their own direction!!  Show must go on friends!!

CA Abhinay Somani
Financial Controller at www.wicfy.com


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