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Last Date of Income Tax Return Filing 30.09.2012 or 01.10.2012

We all know last date for Income Tax Return Filing for For Corporate & non corporate assessees  (i.e. Partnership Firm ,LLP, Proprietorship Firm, HUF) whose accounts are required to be audited  under Income tax act or any other act for the time being in force is 30.09.2012. As 30th September is a holiday i.e. Sunday so every body wants to know whether last date of return filing will remain 30th September or it will get extended to 01.10.2012 (Monday).

If the last date of filing falls on Saturday or Sunday or Public Holiday and Income Tax Department is closed on these days, then Monday be treated as “Last date of Filing

Otherwise, No. If department keeps its offices open on Sunday then last date will remain 30th September for those Assessees who are not required to file thereincome tax return online otherwise it will get extended to 01.10.2012.

For Assessees who are required to file return compulsorily online , Due date may not get extended even if department do not keep its office open on 30.09.2012 (Sunday) as Departments online return filing website will be working even on Sunday.

Corrigendum - IPCC Paper 3: ‘Cost Accounting’ Revision Test Paper November 2012 - (18-09-2012)

IPCC students may note that in the Revision Test Paper of November 2012 in page no. 71 solution to the question no. 8 has some printing errors. These errors has been rectified and uploaded on the website. Students may refer to the link

Non-applicability of taxable services in PCE-Paper 5: Taxation, IPCE-Paper 4: Taxation and Final-Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws for November, 2012 examinations

Important Announcement
The Examination Committee at its 497th meeting held in September, 2012 has decided that students appearing in November 2012 examinations will not be examined with respect to specific services in  the area of service tax laws in the following papers:

(i) Part-II - Service Tax and VAT of Paper 5: Taxation (PCE)
(ii) Part-II Service Tax and VAT of Paper 4: Taxation (IPCE)
(iii) Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws (Final Examination)

Accordingly, the  BoS’ announcement  dated 14.09.2011 specifying eight taxable services for Paper 4: Taxation (IPCE) and thirty two taxable services for Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws (Final) for examination purposes stands withdrawn. It is further clarified that the following chapters of the respective  Study Materials will NOT be relevant for November, 2012 examinations:

(i) IPCE Unit 2 of Chapter 2 : Taxable Services of Part II: Service tax and VAT of Volumes I and II of the Study Material for Paper 4: Taxation.

(ii) Final Examination Chapter 4 : Gamut and Coverage of Taxable Services of Volumes II and III of the Study Material for Paper 8: Indirect Tax Laws.

(iii) PCE Following chapters of Part II: Service tax and VAT of Volumes I and II of Study Material for Paper 4: Taxation (IPCC)*

1. Unit 2 of Chapter 2: Taxable Services, 
2. Chapter 5 :Input Tax Credit and Composition Scheme for Small Dealers, and 
3. Chapter 6 : VAT Procedures

*As is already communicated, the Study Material and Practice Manual of Paper 4: Taxation (IPCC) is also  relevant for Paper 5: Taxation (PCC) students. 

All the remaining chapters are applicable for the examination purposes.  Students may take note of it  and prepare accordingly.Any queries with regard to this announcement may be sent at smita@icai.org, shefali.jain@icai.in or 
Director, Board of Studies

How to Open a PPF account?

Most of us want to open a PPF account, but keep postponing it just because we don’t know the requirement of doing so? It seen that majority people open their PPF account with State Bank of India. Let us see 3 easy steps of opening a PPF account in SBI branch.  The whole process does not take more than 30-45 minutes if you prepared in advance and go with all the documents that are required and there are no road blocks in between. The biggest advantage of opening the PPF account with SBI is the online transaction facility you can use to deposit in your PPF account online and dont have to rush to the branch every now and then.

3 Steps of Opening a PPF Account in SBI Bank

1) Choose a SBI branch which is authorized to go government business.
Usually any ‘large’ branch with lots of customers should be able to this! Usually newer and smaller branches may not have this clearance facility. One doesn’t need to have a Saving Bank  account in that branch. 

2) Procure and submit PPF account opening form and Identity/address Proofs
It would only 3 minutes to fill. Choose a nominee and get a witness signature. Now you have to submit anyone of following Proofs.
·                      Passport
·                      Pan card
·                      Driving license
·                      Voter id
·                      Ration card
·                      Two Passport Size Photographs
Any government issued identity card or address proof should work. Keep originals for proof in hand to simplify the verification if needed. That’s it. The bank should now be able to open the account. Usually it may take about 20 minutes or so.
3) Get PPF Passbook
A pay-in slip needs to be filled and the initial subscription needs to be credited into your account. A passbook similar to a Saving Book passbook will be issued with your photo affixed and the nominee’s name stated.  PPF rules can be found on the back. This is all, your PPF account in SBI is opened now.

How to Link your Online SBI Account to SBI PPF account for Online Transaction

If you have an online SBI account, you can add the PPF account as a third party accountfor transferring money directly. As mentioned above the PPF account can be in any SBI branch. There are no processing charges for doing this transfer. When you do this online for the first time, go to the bank and update your PPF passbook and check if the transaction has occurred correctly. This has to be done since you cannot look at the amount in the PPF account as yet in SBI. This is a major drawback of SBI-PPF (and post office) accounts.
A standing instruction maybe issued from your online account for auto-credit to PPF. However there are two disadvantages
·  Rarely there maybe system failures and the standing instruction may not get honoured. So you need to check if it has occurred.
·  You cannot subscribe a lower amount if you need the cash for emergency use (this situation wont arise if you had an emergency fund )
·   You need to go to the bank to cancel the standing instruction .
There are only 12 credit transaction allowed per year. So take care of this before issuing a standing instruction.

How to Transfer your PPF account from One Bank to Another

   Go to the branch where you want to transfer your PPF account and deposit an application with your PPF passbook takes 10-15 minutes

Other points to Consider

Subscriptions must be made before the 5th of every month for the amount to taken into account for interest calculation for that month. If you want to open a PPF account in the name of a minor in addition to yours, the total PPF investment limit is Rs. 1,00,000. The total tax benefit is also the same. 

Admission to PCE/IPCE November 2012 Examination - (05-09-2012)

The Institute has recently announced Direct Entry Scheme for admission to Intermediate (IPC) course for graduates/post graduates with specified marks and Intermediate level passed students of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India and the Institute of Cost Accountants of India.

As a transition scheme, the Council of the Institute has also permitted existing students of PCE and IPCE to convert to Intermediate (IPC), if they so desire.

The complete text of the Gazette Notification dated 1st August 2012 and the announcement/s dated 16th August 2012 issued by the Director, Board of Studies in this regard are available on www.icai.org

Certain queries have been raised from the existing students of PCE/IPCE that they have already submitted the examination forms for appearing in PCE/IPCE to be held in November 2012 and also wish to apply for conversion to Intermediate (IPC) immediately, in order to commence articled training and also appear in the PCE/IPCE examination to be held in November 2012.

It is clarified for the information of all students concerned that such students who apply for conversion from existing PCE/IPCE to Intermediate (IPC) and commence articled training shall not be eligible to appear in PCE/IPCE examination to be held in November 2012 and even if they appear, no cognizance of their appearance in November 2012 examination will be taken and their results will accordingly be treated as cancelled.

In other words, it is further clarified that if students have already applied or desirous of applying for conversion to Intermediate (IPC) on or before 30th September 2012, they are not eligible to appear in PCE/IPCE to be held in November 2012. 

For any further information/clarification, candidates can contact Examination Help Desk at 0120-3054 851, 3054 852, 3054 853 and 3054 835. 

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