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Frequently Asked Questions on, submission of on-line applications for verification of answer books

Please note that this paper is merely an attempt to provide answers to questions on the subject, posed to us, by the candidates from time to time, to the extent possible and with reference to the extant scheme of examination.  However, this compilation is neither exhaustive not does it purport to be a source of complete information on the subject.
Hence,  candidates are advised, in their own interest, to refer to the “Guidance Notes” supplied along with the examination application form, besides referring to the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.

1. What are the regulatory provisions regarding verification of answer books?

The regulatory provisions regarding verification of answer books are contained in Regulation 39(4) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations 1988, which are hosted on the Institute’s website www.icai.org .
Further, you may also refer to the announcement in this regard in the
Students/Examination/FAQ section of the Institute’s website www.icai.org or the Guidance Notes supplied along with the examination application forms.

2. Is it necessary that I should submit the verification application on-line only or can I submit the same by post also? 

Submission of on-line verification application through portal is not mandatory.  You can submit your verification application along with the Demand Draft for the applicable fees, by registered post or speed post.  Do not send your application by courier/ordinary post. Please superscribe the envelope with the name of the exam, i.e
Final or PCE or IPCE as the case may be.

3. Why should I use the portal?

Submission of verification application and making payment of verification fees online is more convenient.  You also save on the time and money spent on purchasing a draft.

4. Is there any difference in the verification fees between on-line submission and physical submission of verification application?

No.  The verification fees, whichever mode you use, is the same. For Final, PCE,IPCE/ATE, IPCE/ATE-Units, it is Rs 100/- per paper subject to a maximum of Rs 400/- for all papers of a group/both groups.  For CPT, the verification fee is Rs 200/-

5. I have already applied for inspection/certified copies of my evaluated answer books. Can the same application be treated as an application for verification also? Can I apply for verification after I inspect/get copies of my evaluated answer books? 

An application by an examinee seeking inspection of his/her evaluated answer books and/or certified copies thereof is independent of and distinct from an application made by him/her for verification of marks under the existing Regulation 39(4) of the Chartered Accountants Regulations, 1988.
An application for inspection/certified copies is not treated as a verification
application. Inspection/certified copies of evaluated answer books provides information for your academic guidance but does not provide any remedy in case of any discrepancies that may be noticed in inspection/certified copies.
The remedy lies in the process of verification of answer books, which is independent and distinct from the inspection/certified copies process. Hence, you may make a separate application for verification of answer books, without waiting for inspection/certified copies of answer books.
You may note that application for verification of answer books has to be made within one month from the date of declaration of results, whereas application for inspection/certified copies has to be made within 75 days (without late fee) and beyond 75 days but within 90 days (with late fee) from the date of declaration of results.

6. Can I apply for, both, verification as well as inspection/copies of my evaluated answer books?

Yes.  You can apply for both verification as well as inspection/copies of your
evaluated answer books by following the prescribed procedure. However, in case you send them by post, do not send both the applications together in the same envelope. Send them by separate envelopes.  Take care to superscribe the envelope with the name of the examination, the application relates to.

7. What are the steps involved in making an on-line application?

 Log on to http://icaiexam.icai.org
 Click on the “verification” tab.
 Select the examination, papers of which you want to verify
 Enter your roll number and mobile number ( as contained in the exam form you had submitted)
 A data entry screen will appear. Fields relating to your name, registration
number and medium of the examination would be  populated from the data base. You will have to enter the following data in the respective fields:
Email address
Address for communication
Land line number
Select the papers you want to be verified.
 Please note that you can only select the papers in which you had appeared.  In case of any wrong selection, the system will give an error message “Invalid
 Upload scanned copy of your handwritten application ( duly signed) containing all the relevant details.    If you appeared in the exam, in Hindi, then the application must be in Hindi and if you appeared in the Exam in English then the application must be in English.
 In case of any discrepancy between the papers to be verified as mentioned in the scanned image and those ticked in the portal, the latter shall prevail.
 Once you select “SUBMIT” on the said screen, a confirmation page with the
details, name, registration number, roll no., address, mobile no. landline number, email address and papers to be verified etc will appear. Please check all the details entered by you including the scanned image uploaded. You have to confirm the data you have filled in, by clicking on the “CONFIRM” button. In
case any of the details you have filled in is incorrect, you can go back and make the necessary corrections wherever required, come back and confirm.

 Once you confirm the data, you will be directed to the payment page where you can make the payment either through your credit/debit card, master/visa.
Payment by net banking is not permitted.

 Once payment is successful, a payment confirmation page will appear on the
screen giving details of Rollno, Papers Applied for Verification, Amount Paid,
Transaction Response, Control No etc with a remark “TRANSACTION
SUCCESSFUL” against the Transaction Response., with a remark
“TRANSACTION SUCCESSFUL” against the Transaction Response.

 Take a print out of the payment confirmation page, which serves the purpose of acknowledgement from the Institute and keep it safely for your reference.  That will be the acknowledgement.  Remember to quote the transaction number appearing on the payment confirmation page in all future correspondence on the subject with the Institute.

 If the transaction is not successful, you can retry.

8. The amount of verification fees got deducted from my account but I do not get a “Successful” transaction screen.  What do I do now?

If the screen shows the status of your transaction as “Not successful”, then that means your verification application is not received by us, even though the fee might have been deducted from your bank account. In such cases, office will not be able to process your application, since the application is not there with the office. The fee relating to the failed transaction will be credited back to your account as per the procedure, prescribed in answer to Question number 11.

9. Is it necessary that I should upload scanned copy of my handwritten verification application on the portal?  What happens if I do  not upload the same?

Yes.  It is mandatory to upload scanned copy of your handwritten verification
application (duly signed by you) on the portal.  In case you are unable to do so or you are not able to log onto the portal, you can send your hand written verification application along with the Demand Draft for the applicable fees by speed post/registered post to the following address:
The Additional Secretary (Exams)
The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India
Indraprastha Marg
New Delhi 110 002
Please note that if the uploaded scanned image is not your handwritten
application, but of some other document, then also your application will not be
processed by the office.  Such an application, even if it is a “SUCCESSFUL
TRANSACTION”, will not be treated as a valid application and will not be

10. Can I start filling in the application for verification on-line and complete the same later?

Yes, you can do so, until you make successful payment, after which stage you cannot make changes.

11. While making an online verification application, the verification fees got
deducted twice from my bank account. How do I get a refund of the excess amount paid by me? What is the procedure for claiming the excess fee payment arising on account of multiple payments/lost/failed transactions etc?

Multiple payments, if any, by a single student, will be identified by the system and are refunded for the credit of the respective accounts from where they originated, by the office, within 45 days of the last date for submission of application. In case you have made payment of verification fees more than once and do not get a refund within 45 days from the last date for submission of application, you can claim a refund of the excess amount paid by you, by writing to us within 60 days from the last date for submission of application, along with documentary evidence, such as bank/credit card statement, of having paid the verification fees more than once. ICAI will verify the same and refund the excess amount, if any, paid by you.

12. I have filled the on-line verification application and paid the verification fees on line.  Do I still have to take a print out and send it to ICAI and if yes, where should I send it?

No. Once you have received confirmation on the screen that your transaction is
successful, you need not send anything further by post.

On-line Submission of Application for Verification of Answer Books

Students of November 2011 CA examinations Final, IPCE and PCE can submit their application for verification of answer books and also make payment of verification fees, on-line at http://icaiexam.icai.org.

This is  in addition to the existing option for submission of application for verification of answer books, physically by Speed/Registered Post, along with a demand draft.

They can log on to the above mentioned site and click on the “Verification” tab for submitting a verification application. 

Verification fees will be the same, in both the modes of submission, i.e physical or on-line.

The on-line window for submission of verification application will be open for a period of one month from the date of declaration of results.

Candidates can visit the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) section of www.icai.org for more details.

CS Time table of June, 2012 Examination

ICSI has announced CS June, 2012 Examination time table, to download the time table CLICK HERE

ICAI enters into an arrangement with TAXMANN to provide the contents of its website only at Rs.3500/- to the members of ICAI

To enable the members to keep pace with the latest developments in direct taxes, the Direct Taxes Committee of ICAI has entered into an arrangement with Taxmann, a reputed and a well known publisher, wherein Taxmann has agreed to provide all materials that are published and made available by it as a part of its standard practice and procedure on its website www.taxmann.com at a subsidized price of Rs. 3500/- p.a. vis-a- vis its market value which is Rs.7500/-. With this, the Committee has tried to make available, in a timely manner, relevant educational resources at a subsidized cost to the members, which in turn would enable them to discharge their functions in an effective manner.
This facility is available to members of ICAI ONLY. The detailed features of the site www.taxmann.com are given below:
  • 127 years of Direct Tax Laws (1886-2012) covering 42000 judgments of Supreme Court/High courts since 1886, 19000 Orders of ITAT, 10500 Notifications, 2100 Circulars and 6000 Articles
  • 100 years of Company Law (1913-2012) covering 9800 Judgments/Orders of Supreme Court/High Courts/SAT/CLB/CCI/CAT/ATFE on company Law/Securities Laws/ Foreign Exchange Laws. The Laws covered are Company Laws, Securities Laws, Foreign Exchange Laws, Competition Laws, Banking & Insurance Laws, Other Corporate Laws, 150 Acts, 350 Rules, 900 Forms, 6000 Circulars, 2500 Notifications and 2500 Articles.
  • Complete Data on Service Tax (1994-2012) covering 5800 Judgments of Supreme Court/High Court/CESTAT, Acts, Rules, Circulars, Notifications, Articles
To subscribe  this useful subscription, you may click on the link below:
Presently the service is available only for members holding Certificate of Practice. For other members, the same will be made available within few days.
Source: ICAI

CA Final Nov 2011 Exam 3rd Ranker's Interview

"No fulltime job for me," says CA topper Pavan(3rd Ranker)

All India third ranker in the CA Final exam, 
Pavan Pal Sharma from Bangalore, shares  
that articleship gives you the confidence in
the world of work.

Fast facts:
Name: Pavan Pal Sharma
City: Bangalore
Exam: CA Final Examination- November 2011
Rank: AIR third and SIRC topper
Roll number: 107594
Marks: 589
                         Percentage: 73.63
                             Graduating college: Sri Kumarans Pre-University College, Bangalore

AN All India Rank holder at various levels of the CA programme, 

Pavan Sharma has done it again in the CA Final Exam! Son of a commerce  teacher, Pavan wanted to pursue CA since his school days. Hailing from Bangalore, India’s IT hub, he  was determined to do something other than IT! 

He owns an investment banking firm in Bangalore and believes that setting up  an organization is far more challenging than taking home a bonus. Pavan, also a topper of Southern India Regional Council (SIRC), ICAI and an advocate of  “study smart” rather than “study hard” shares his preparation strategies and  future plans with Rozelle Laha.

Q. Congratulation Pavan. When did you decide do a CA?

A. I had decided to do my CA when I was in class 9. CA seemed to be a good option as my father teaches commerce and the subject/course seemed close to my heart.

Q. Is this your first big success?

 A. After my 10+2, I wrote my CPT examination. I achieved 7th All India Rank (AIR) in that exam (August 2007). I also appeared for CA – PCC exams in June  2009. I acquired an AIR 30 in it.

Q. Did you do an articleship?
 A. I have done my articleship with Balakrishna & Co., Bangalore for 3 and half 
years. I was one of the first article assistants of my Principal. I decided to do an articleship with some company where I could actually learn. I got the opportunity of handling good audits, transfer pricing, due diligence and attended a few hearings at the IT offices.

Q. Does doing an articleship help?
A. Articleship gives you a practical exposure to what the real world is. What you get to do at a CA’s office is very different from theoretical knowledge. Articleship gives you confidence to face the world. It is an important aspect of our course and that is what sets us apart. And if you get to do your articleship with some good brand, then your future is made.

Q. You cracked CA finals with a good score in your first attempt. Tell us something about your preparation strategies.
A. I have always stood by the fact that each one need to develop a strategy for oneself. My strategy was to “study smart” rather than “study hard” – it always helps. I am firm believer of conceptual learning. That is what will save you in those 3 hours of exam. Learning by rote is not a safe option at any level of professional examination – especially CA final. I cannot put down my study hours in numbers– all I can say is that I slept, ate and studied.

Q. Do you think coaching is important?
A. My tutor always used to say “if you wish to pass – do not come to tuitions. If you wish to become a good CA – then come to tuitions.” I think that would answer most of the questions in a succinct manner. I attended classes for four subjects out of eight. I do believe coaching is necessary, but not to the extent that you outsource your thinking too. Tuitions aren’t everything.

Q. Do you want to continue studying?
A. I wish to pursue a career in Actuarial Sciences – Finance sometime later in the course of my career.

Q. You have your own company. Tell us something about your concept of entrepreneurship.
A. I run my own company, Equidebt Corporate Advisors Private Limited. We are investment bankers based out of Bangalore. I find it morally pleasing to work for myself than to work for somebody else. I know that if I do go out for employment, I would be able to earn well. But then again, money isn’t everything in life. I wish to take my company to new echelons.

Q. Your advice to CA aspirants?
A. My mother once told me, “Exams are only a phase in your life.” I completely agree with her. Getting bogged down by pressure due to exams will not get you anywhere in life. Just believe in yourself. You can do anything in this world.CA

CA Final Nov 2011 Exam 2nd Ranker's Interview

  • CA topper Pawan Sarda (2nd Ranker):
  • “Study 100% of portion, solve 100%”

  • Fast Facts 

    Name: Pawan Sarda
    City:    Nagpur
    Exam: CA Final Examination- November 2011
    Rank: AIR Second and WIRC topper
    Roll number: 160339
    Marks: 596
    Percentage: 74.50
    IF you want to achieve something that you have never before, you have to do something that you never did before. ”Nagpur boy Pawan lives by this mantra and aced his exam by putting in 12 hours of study a day and revising 100%of the portions four times.
    His track record prior to CA finals could give many a complex. His achievements include: 8th Rank in PCC (May 2010), scored 98 out of 100 marks in Cost Accounting & Financial Management in PCC and 2nd Rank in CPT (June 2008) and AIR 6th Rank in CS Professional (Final) Exam (Dec 2010), 23rd Rank in CS Executive Exam (Dec 2009), 16th Rank in CS Foundation Exam (Dec 2008).
    Pawan was also a brilliant student in school. In Class 12 (CBSE) he secured the first position in Vidarbha region (93.60% marks) and scored full marks in Mathematics. In Class 10, he obtained 2nd highest Marks in India (98.20% marks), secured first position in Maharashtra and scored full marks in Mathematics, Science & Sanskrit. He shares his success journey with Rozelle Laha. 
    Q. Congratulations Pawan. What made you pick CA as a career option?
    A. Thanks! My elder brother is a CA, and has been my inspiration right from beginning. I am also very inspired  by my CA tutor Professor DG Sharma. 
    Q. Tell us about your experience during articleship. 
    A. I have completed the required 3.5 years articleship at VK Surana & Co., Nagpur. Doing an articleship sincerely did help a lot not only in developing technical understanding and conceptual clarity of the subjects we studied but also in building the confidence required to handle and sustain pressure situations and managing time effectively.
    Q. Did the alternate day schedule of CA exams work for you?
    A. Yes, definitely the alternate day schedule helps a lot. If we have one complete day leave before the next paper we can plan the study really well. For each paper I had made 20-hour plans so that the complete portion could be revised within the stipulated time.
    Q. So, what was your preparation strategy?
    A. I had a single basic strategy – to study 100% of the portion and solve 100% of the paper. The essential part was mental preparation. Once you decide not to give up come-what-may, that determination and persistence takes you through. I planned studies well in advance. My target was to complete at least four readings of each subject before the exams. I set a target to complete the first reading in two months time up to the end of August. Next I completed the first revision by the end of September. In the first week of October we had Test Series at CAPS (coaching institute) which helped us a lot to find out where we stand and the areas which require special attention. Next I tried to complete another reading (important areas) during the last 20 days before the exams. The exam days were the most crucial ones and I tried and went through the entire portion by following the 20-hour plans.
    Q. Is coaching important? 
    A. I took coaching for three practical subjects – Accountancy, Financial Management & Costing.For other subjects I had not taken any coaching. I feel that except for the practical subjects,self-study is the way to go. Even if you attend classes, you have to ultimately study the subjects on your own.
    Q. Do you advocate studying for long hours?
    A. I planned my studies topic-wise. On an average I studied for 12 hours a day. I believe that if you want to achieve something that you have never before, you have to do something that you never did before.
    Q. Any tough subjects?
    A. Initially, I found Indirect Taxes to be a challenging subject. So, I decided to tackle my fear in the best way I know – face it, convert weakness into strength. In the last 20 days just before the exams, I planned to study this subject daily for three hours. In the end I got tremendous confidence and scored the highest marks (86) in this subject! 
    Q. CA programme is tough. Truth or myth?
    A. It’s not as difficult as it is perceived to be. It is all about holding your nerves. One, who plays the mental game well, is the “king of the ring”. It is very easy to give up but if you hold on and don’t give up at the critical moment, success is bound to come. If perceived in the right way CA exams can be enjoyed and success can be achieved. If you do not study now, you will have to study later and that too a lot more under much more mental pressure.” So give the best you can in the very first shot and challenge your limits instead of limiting ur challenges.
    Q. What is your advice to future CA aspirants?
    A. Take your articleship sincerely. A golden mantra is ‘Plan your work and work your plan’. Time management is the name of the game. Our Sir always said, try to understand everything and do not memorise anything. Developing conceptual clarity is a very crucial aspect of CA studies.

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